Eulerpool Data & Analytics U. S. Steel Canada Inc. Retirement Plan for Salaried Employees of the Former Stelpipe Ltd. Hamilton, CA
U. S. Steel Canada Inc. Retirement Plan for Salaried Employees of the Former Stelpipe Ltd.
Naslov / Glavni sedež
U. S. Steel Canada Inc. Retirement Plan for Salaried Employees of the Former Stelpipe Ltd.
C/O Pension Investment Department
PO Box 2030
L8N 3T1 Hamilton
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
Legal Operating Unit (LOU)
Registriraj se
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Kategorija podjetja
Status veljavnosti
Nazadnje posodobljeno
8. 8. 2023
Naslednja obnova
6. 6. 2014
Eulerpool API U. S. Steel Canada Inc. Retirement Plan for Salaried Employees of the Former Stelpipe Ltd. Promet, dobiček, bilanca stanja, patenti, zaposleni in več Hamilton, CA
"lei": "5493001AZBYU9RSX1R95",
"legal_jurisdiction": "CA",
"legal_name": "U. S. Steel Canada Inc. Retirement Plan for Salaried Employees of the Former Stelpipe Ltd.",
"entity_category": "GENERAL",
"entity_legal_form_code": "8888",
"legal_first_address_line": "C/O Pension Investment Department",
"legal_additional_address_line": "PO Box 2030",
"legal_city": "Hamilton",
"legal_postal_code": "L8N 3T1",
"headquarters_first_address_line": "C/O Pension Investment Department",
"headquarters_additional_address_line": "PO Box 2030",
"headquarters_city": "Hamilton",
"headquarters_postal_code": "L8N 3T1",
"registration_authority_entity_id": "",
"next_renewal_date": "2014-06-06T13:52:00.000Z",
"last_update_date": "2023-08-08T15:22:06.000Z",
"managing_lou": "529900F6BNUR3RJ2WH29",
"registration_status": "LAPSED",
"validation_sources": "ENTITY_SUPPLIED_ONLY",
"reporting_exception": "",
"slug": "U. S. Steel Canada Inc. Retirement Plan for Salaried Employees of the Former Stelpipe Ltd.,Hamilton,"
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